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1. How did you two originally meet each other? Mike Robinson:I met Dennis the first time at Winter NAMM, I think it was 2012, when he was working with Premier Builders Group. I was always a fan of Dennis' designs...
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Rivolta Guitars' first ever NAMM Show was a success. Here's a collection of the best pics, to show you what happened... Nashville, TN: The Summer NAMM 2019 was Rivolta Guitars' first ever time showcasing at the traditional event and, we're...
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After two decades in the business, we're opening our first-ever showroom in Nashville, TN. 27th June - 30th June sees the Grand Opening of the new Eastwood and Novo Guitars Nashville Showroom. Conveniently coinciding with the Summer NAMM 2018 Show in...
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We are pleased to announce that Rivolta Guitars range is growing, and we're adding new color options. Nashville, TN - At our new facilities in Nashville, Eastwood Guitars is currently working with Dennis Fano (Novo Guitars / Fano Guitars) on...
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Eastwood Guitars is extremely proud and excited to introduce three new Rivolta models, designed by esteemed luthier Dennis Fano (of Fano Guitars and Novo Guitars fame): the Mondata, Mondata II and Combinata I. The new Rivolta models continue to bring Dennis'...
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