In Pictures: Rivolta Guitars at Summer NAMM Show 2019

Rivolta Guitars' first ever NAMM Show was a success. Here's a collection of the best pics, to show you what happened...

Rivolta Guitars at NAMM 2019

Nashville, TN: The Summer NAMM 2019 was Rivolta Guitars' first ever time showcasing at the traditional event and, we're pleased to say, it all went really well.  Attendees had the opportunity to not just see the current highlights of the range, but also to try out two brand new models we'll be releasing soon: the Combinata Bass and the Mondata Baritone.

Here's a little recap, in pics and videos from last weekend in Nashville:

 Boss man

The boss man himself... Dennis Fano of Fano Guitars and Novo Guitars fame, hanging with the boys.

New Rivolta Models

The two new models: the Rivolta Combinata Bass and the Rivolta Mondata Baritone - Coming Soon

 Rivolta Booth

Curious crowds kept us busy over the weekend.

trying the Rivolta Combinata Bass

This guy can proudly say he was one of the first people to try the new Combinata Bass...

Mondata Baritone in action

...and this one was one of the first to try the Rivolta Mondata Baritone.

Busy booth

Curious crowds kept us busy over the weekend, part 2...

Mondatas on display

Many Mondatas...


And many different Combinatas.

Guitar Heaven

Rivolta guitar heaven...

Thank you!

Good work, guys! Devon (Novo) and Wes (Rivolta) did a great job.

That's all for now, folks. We hope to see you next year!