WATCH: White Stripes' White Blood Cells Documentary

It's never a bad time to remember The White Stripes - after all, for many of us, they were a total game changer - and White Blood Cells was the album that did it!

The White Stripes - White Blood Cells

Back in 2001, rock'n'roll was, once again, at another low point. It took The Strokes and, most importantly, The White Stripes the task to revive it once more. 

Jack and Meg White showed everyone how exciting rock'n'roll could be: dirty, raw, analogue, simple. White Blood Cells was The White Stripes breakthrough album, and it was thanks to its success that many people first heard of Airline guitars. Today, our Airline 59 2P remains one of our most popular models... no prizes for guessing why!

Airline 59 2P

Feeling a bit like Jack White yet? The Airline 59 2P

A mini documentary by Picthfork about the making of White Blood Cells is a must-watch! And what's better - it only lasts 3 minutes, so you got no excuse, really... enjoy!

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