Vintage Guitar magazine: SD-40 Hound Dog & Classic AC Review

Two of our recent Eastwood Custom Shop guitars have received "Approved Gear" reviews from Vintage Guitar magazine. Time to get your mojo workin'...

Eastwood Custom Shop SD-40

Vintage Guitar gave its seal of approval to two of our recent custom shop models. Both the SD-40 "Hound Dog" tribute and our Classic AC received positive reviews from the magazine.

The SD-40 is our tribute to the Teisco/ Kawai model played by legendary bluesman Hound Dog Taylor. 

"Killer vintage tone like this doesn’t come along every day" - Vintage Guitar

According to VG magazine, the SD-40 is "a blast as you combine the pickups in any sequence...using a Vox-style amp and overdrive pedal, the SD-40 produced about as good a roots/blues/country tone as you’ll hear – deeply fat, woody, and resonant, with the perfect amount of bolt-on clank. Killer vintage tone like this doesn’t come along every day – the SD-40 has mojo up the wazoo."

Well, can't argue with that! We can also add that the SD-40 is a great guitar for garage-rockers looking for a single coil guitar that really stands out!

Eastwood Custom Shop Classic AC

As for the Classic AC, VG mag recognised not just it's quality but also its versatility as both a great choice as a lead or rhythm instrument:

"Cranked up, the Classic AC exhibits its rockin’ heritage at any volume. Given Mr. Young’s reputation as one of the greatest rhythm guitarists, you might think this axe is primarily a rhythm machine... but the AC is also a fine lead instrument, particularly when using the neck pickup for fat creamy leads, à la Clapton and Santana."

It's good to point out that the Classic AC is now also available in Transparent Cherry finish... check it out:

Classic AC Trans Cherry

Full Review article:

VG magazine article

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