Ready to Fly? Stormbird Is The Word...

The Eastwood Stormbird (or "Storm Bird" to some...) remains one of our most popular models, ever - even after being discontinued!

The Eastwood Storm Bird

The Eastwood Stormbird has become one of our most popular models over the past few years. And that's after being discontinued! We always get customers asking whether we'll reissue them and we still get people sharing their pics on Instagram with their Stormbirds.

In fact, we've seen quite a few bands using one recently, especially the more alternative, experimental musicians. It seems that the Stormbird is still very much flying!

So...  the question is, will we ever reissue the Stormbird?

Well, we can't tell you when or how we'll do it, but we can say this: you know how birds are... sometimes they just have to migrate, and you won't see them for ages. But they always fly back.

Watch: RJ Ronquillo Eastwood Stormbird Demo:

Would YOU like to see the return of the Stormbird? Post your comments and tell us how you'd like it to look like: colors, pickup configuration, vibrato... at the moment, we ARE listening! Maybe a Custom Shop Stormbird flying on the horizon? Well... it's up to you!