Listen to Podcast Interview with Eastwood Guitars CEO Mike Robinson

Eastwood Guitars CEO Mike Robinson recently gave an interview for the Guitar Business Radio podcast. Find out more...

Mike Robinson

Guitar Business Radio is a podcast that's been growing in audience and recognition in the industry, and for Episode 16 host Jeffrey D Brown welcomed Eastwood Guitars CEO, Mike Robinson, to the show.

The exclusive interview offers a unique, backstory view of the company’s development, growth and innovative approach to the marketing and manufacturing of their line of tribute and replica guitars.

Now, with over 250 guitar models to choose from, Eastwood has grown into a multi-line business featuring a large number of original design instruments as well, besides our Custom Shop projects.

So check out what Mike had to say:

Eastwood would like to thank GBR for their support, and if you want to keep in the loop, we strongly recommend you to subscribe to their podcasts, so you can receive notifications of new episodes.

Find Out More:

Guitar Business Radio website