Jeff Senn Model One: Vintage Guitar Approved!

The Jeff Senn Model One has been one of our biggest custom shop hits last year, and has now gained the seal of approval from Vintage Guitar magazine.

Jeff Senn Model One

The Model One has been designed by Jeff Senn in Nashville, and is one of those guitars that at the same time look fresh and new, but also familiar. In other words - it's a classic! It looks, sounds and plays superbly, so it's not surprising that it has almost instantly gained an ardent following, and some pretty great reviews. The latest praise comes from Vintage Guitar magazine, who said:

"Much like the original Senn Model One, this new iteration is easy to play thanks to its well-conceived hardware and setup, as well as a comfortable ’60s-style/C-shaped neck. Fit and finish are exemplary... The result is an incredibly versatile instrument, with clear pickups that sound just as fantastic with overdrive or fuzz as they do clean."

The Model One gained VG's Approved Gear seal of approval - great praise indeed!

Magazine Article

We think the Model One is perfect for those who play Alternative rock, surf and psych, but thanks to it's Tele-style twang it'll find fans among those who play country music too, for instance. Well, in fact, this is a guitar so versatile and delicious to play, we think you'll love it, no matter what style you play mostly!

So... convinced yet? Maybe it's time to give our Model One a try...

The May 2017 issue of Vintage Guitar will be out soon, so make sure to grab your copy!

- by Ivan S.

Jeff Senn Model One for Sale